Thursday, August 27, 2015

Top 30 Microsoft Excel Interview Questions - Excel Tips from Excel Tip

Interviews are challenging. Job interviews that require any sort of tracking data or simple calculations are even trickier, as this would require a knack of MS-Excel.

Excel usage has been increasing in the industry; individuals manage their data in Excel to analyze the business trend.  And, it could be nerve-wracking for both the interviewer and the interviewee to face such questions. To prepare you for those frequently asked questions, here we present a library of 30 questions and answers picked from real interviews.

All the best!

Please treat this as a refresher before you prepare yourself for the interview, as this is only a guide to crack interviews

Q1. What is Microsoft Excel?

Answer: Microsoft Excel is an electronic spreadsheet program, created by multiple highly skilled engineers from Microsoft. It enables users to organize, format, and calculate data with formulas using a spreadsheet system broken up by rows and column.

We also use this tool for storing, organizing and manipulating the data. In addition, it also offers programming that supports VBA, and we can use external database to make dynamic reports, analysis etc. Smart use of this program saves a lot of time and helps in creating our own applications too.
Q2. What is the easiest solution to reduce the file size?

Answer: Below are the steps to reduce the file size:

  • Find the last cell that contains data in the sheet. Delete all rows and columns after this cell
  • To delete the rows, press the key Shift+Space then press Ctrl+Shift+Down on your keyboard
  • Rows will get selected till the last row. Press Ctrl+- on the keyboard to delete the blank rows
  • To delete the column, Press the key Ctrl+Space then press Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow key on your keyboard
  • Columns will get selected till the last row
  • Press Ctrl+- on the keyboard to delete the blank columns

Q3. How many rows and columns are there in Microsoft Excel 2003 and later versions?

Answer: Refer to the table below for the number of rows, columns and cells for Microsoft Excel 2003 & later version:-

Excel Versions Rows Columns Total Cells
MS Excel 2003 65536 256 16777216
MS Excel 2007 1048576 16384 17179869184
MS Excel 2010 1048576 16384 17179869184
MS Excel 2013 1048576 16384 17179869184

Q4. What is Syntax of Vlookup?

Answer: Vlookup Syntax: =VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,[range_lookup])

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Q5. What is the shortcut to put the filter on data in Microsoft Excel 2013?

Answer: Ctrl+Shift+L is the shortcut key to put the filter in data.

You can find more shortcuts on the below links:

250 Excel Keyboard Shortcuts 

The Best Shortcut Keys

Q6. How many report formats are available in Excel and what are their names?

Answer: In Excel, we have three formats available:

Q7. What is the difference between function and formula in MS-Excel?

Answer:  Formula:- It’s a statement which is written by the user (user-created) to be calculated. A formula can contain values, cell references, defined names, and functions.

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Functions:- Functions are in-built codes provided in MS-Excel, such as IF, COUNT, SUM, AVERAGE and so on. And, if additional functions are required we can create through VBA. This will carry out an operation of some kind and provide an output value. Functions are used inside formulas.

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Q8. What is Chart in MS-Excel? Why is it important to you an appropriate chart?

Answer: Chart is a medium to present the data in graphical visualization, and it is the most important insight of the data. To present the data with perfect visualization and appropriate information, we should always pre-decide on the information to be presented.

As appropriate charts lead to right decision, its necessary to use relevant charts. Refer to the below process chart for appropriate charts:


Q9.  What is a Dashboard and what are the important things we should keep in mind while creating a dashboard?

Answer: Dashboard is a technique used to present important information through graphical representation. It is helpful in presenting huge data in a single computer screen so it can be monitored with a glance.

There are few things which should be taken care of, while preparing the dashboards:

1)    Minimum distraction

2)    Simple, easy to communicate

3)    Important data

4)    Few Colors

5)    Relevant graphs

6)    Dashboard should be on single computer screen

Q10. How can you format a cell? What are the options?

Answer:  We can format a cell by using the “Format Cells” option and there are 6 options:-

1) Number

2) Alignment

3) Font

4) Border

5) Fill

6) Protection

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